Trainings on Climate Change, organized for the representatives of the relevant public institutions and organizations, universities, civil society organizations and local governments within the scope of Enhancing Required Joint Efforts on Climate Action Project (İklimIN) carried out by Turkish Republic Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation within the framework of financial cooperation between European Union and Turkey, continues.
15th Training on Climate Change was held in Kocaeli between 15-17 October. Participants had trainings on “Climate Policy of Turkey”, “Water Resources”, “Management of Water Resources and Climate Change”, “Ecological Systems”, “Global Climate Policies”, “Climate and Youth”, “Energy Policies” included in Series of Climate Modules produced within the scope of the project, and received information on the projects carried out Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and Özyeğin University for fighting against climate change.
During the trainings, Gökçen Çapar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Ankara University Institute of Water Management made a statement to AA reporter. “We have experienced the global warming as a result of the emission of too much carbon dioxide, methane and greenhouse gases during the industrialization process. Today the temperature of the world has increased by an average of 0.9 degrees. With the melting glaciers, there is an increase in the sea level, as well as warming, and in return there is a change in the climate we are used to. This manifests itself in every field. Water resources are also very vulnerable, because we use water in all areas, we depend on it” said Çapar by mentioning that climate change is perhaps the biggest problem of the century.